The BetterNet Manifesto

Oh boy oh boy! It's that's time again! On another episode of "Jaded Assholes With Oppinions", another dime-a-dozen net burnout ideologically wanks himself off with halfassed oppinions on how the internet can be better! Yes, I'm fully aware how ironic it is at the time of writing this that my website looks like dogshit. This is not a list of rules that I think everyone should follow to the t. Moreso, it's a manifesto with standards that I hope I can eventually hold my website to. If anything on here pisses you off, that wasn't my intention. In the end, I'm just some asshole on the internet. I may be frustrated with things people do on the internet, but I'm throwing shade on their actions, not on them as person. My oppinions are my own, and that doesn't mean they are right.

So without further ado, here is a list of ways I think the internet could be better:

1. Information should be accurate, elaborate, to the point, and easy to find.

2. If you have nothing interesting or new to say, don't say it.

Out of all the rules of this manifesto, this one should be followed the most liberally. Smalltalk is fine in the right setting. Look at me, one of the reasons i made this website is so I can find interesting things to say! Everyone should have the right to do what makes them happy. But think about how much junk there is on the internet, I think youtube is the worst offender on this. The website is oversaturated with people making the exact same content, usually hoping they can escape the daily grind and make money pumping out low effort content.

3. Thumbnails should only be used to inform the viewer. They should not provoke negative emotions.

UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Sorry, im writing this as I go, and it's time to go back to work!